Dear Friends,

This Sunday we will celebrate our Thanksgiving together. We hear themes of “Counting our blessings” or as Oprah would say, “An attitude of gratitude.” One of my favorite books of prayers

Dear Friends,

Whose shoulders do you stand on? Every November as we celebrate the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls Days, it is a fitting time for us to remember the dear ones who have helped us to become who we are. Naturally, I (Ron) cherish my parents and was inspired by their going to Mass every morning and praying the family

Dear Friends,

RCWP has published the following statement in response to the Pennsylvania Grand Jury’s finding on clerical sexual abuse in our church. We encourage you to read the statement and to share it with those who would find it of interest….and perhaps hope!

With loving gratitude for your presence in our lives,
Jean & Ron

Click on the link below to read the statement:

This Sunday’s Gospel is one of my (Ron’s) favorites—the story of Bartimaeus, the blind man. It is full of human pathos. The blind man is sitting by the roadside, he hears all this commotion, asks what is happening, is told Jesus is passing by. 

Dear Friends,

Last Sunday our reflection focused on being “called by name.” We noted Jesus, calling Thomas by name as he invited his touch upon his wounds; we celebrated Rafael….called God’s beloved as he was welcomed to the Spirit of Life and was baptized / immersed in the waters of baptism, and the call each of us personally receives by name. This Sunday, we have a view of the apostles as they wrestle “incredulously” with the image of the risen Christ….appearing out of nowhere…