Dear Friends,

We pray you are safe and well. In the spirit of our philosophy of co-creating community and our awareness that the Spirit speaks through each of us, we invite you to share your meditations with us as well. We truly believe that in God’s economy of abundance, when we share our blessings, our thoughts, our feelings, we are all made richer. 

Today’s meditation was borrowed from Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation. This practice of forest bathing could be ocean bathing or walking along the Marginal Way bathing or… We found it inspiring and comforting, and we anticipate that it will bring you these same blessings. 

We hope and pray that you and your loved ones experience genuine peace of mind and heart, and remain in good health during this challenging time. 

May the Easter Season be a time of peace, of healing and hope, of the resurrection of joy in your life!

With our love and care,

Jean & Ron  

Meditation Twenty-three: Forest Bathing

Practice: Forest Bathing

“The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician.” –Paracelsus [1]

Recently, in reference to concerns about COVID-19, I said, “Love always means going beyond yourself to otherness.” [2] African American mystic Howard Thurman understood this deeply through a connection with nature which provided him with “a certain overriding immunity against the pains in life.” [3] In his youth he found solace in a relationship with a tree near his home. He writes:

Eventually I discovered that the oak tree and I had a unique relationship. I could sit, my back against its trunk, and feel the same peace that would come to me in my bed at night. I could reach down into the quiet places of my spirit, take out my bruises and joys, unfold them and talk about them. I could talk aloud to the oak tree and know that I was understood. It too, was part of my reality, like the woods . . . giving me space. [4]

During this time of social distancing from other humans, it is still possible for some of us to practice “ecotherapy” or in Japanese, Shinrin-yoku—refreshment and healing by walking or resting where there are trees or forests. For those who don’t have access to nature currently, I hope you will have an opportunity soon. I also have a feeling we will all have a newfound appreciation for the outdoors when this time of “sheltering in” is over. From M. Amos Clifford’s book Your Guide to Forest Bathing:

The invitation is simple: Walk slowly [or sit still], while silently noticing what is in motion in the forest. There is always movement, even when things seem perfectly still. Strands of a web drift in the air, trees move in the breezes, birds fly by, and squirrels scramble in the branches, grasses bend, insects crawl. . . .

Until you become accustomed to it, walking slowly for more than a few minutes is, paradoxically, stressful. . . . Because the mind and body are a single entity, slowing our body will also calm our mind. . . .  

The eternal movement of the forest gives our minds something to engage with. Just as with sitting meditation the breath is always there and available for watching, in the forest there are always things in motion. Your mind will drift, and many other thoughts will arise. When they do, gently bring your attention back to noticing what's in motion.

When you find you have automatically sped up, come to a complete halt for a moment. It's an opportunity to fully give your attention to one thing, noticing how that thing is in motion. After a brief pause you'll be ready to continue your slow walk.

I recommend that you walk like this for at least 15 minutes. That’s enough time for your mind to go through several cycles of distraction and calming. [5] 

[1] Paracelsus, Selected Writings (Princeton University Press: 1988), 50. 

[2] Richard Rohr, “Love Alone Overcomes Fear: A Message from Richard Rohr about COVID-19,” Center for Action and Contemplation (March 19, 2020),

[3] Howard Thurman, With Head and Heart: The Autobiography of Howard Thurman (Harcourt Brace: 1979), 8.

[4] Ibid., 9

[5] M. Amos Clifford, Your Guide to Forest Bathing: Experience the Healing Power of Nature (Conari Press: 2018), 34–35.