Dear Friends,

 We hope that you are safe and well.

 Today's Meditation is a reflection by Rev. Talitha Arnold: "The Wonder of It All." Did you see the glorious pictures of Jupiter with the auroras at both poles? WOW. Open your eyes in wonder. Close your eyes in wonder, too. We are with you.

 We invite you to join us as we commit ourselves to working tirelessly to end systemic and structural racism in our society, in the church, in healthcare, in the workplace--wherever it shows up so that everyone may come to have more abundant life. May this meditation nourish our contemplative-active hearts and sustain all of us in action.

In the spirit of our philosophy of co-creating community and our awareness that the Spirit speaks through each of us, we invite you to share your meditations with us as well. We truly believe that it is God's economy of abundance: when we share our blessings, our thoughts, our feelings, we are all made richer.

We hope and pray that you find peace, healing, hope and the infusion of joy in your life!

With our love and care,

Ron and Jean

MEDITATION 758: "The Wonder of it All" by Rev. Talitha Arnold

August 23, 2022

The Wonder of It All

Talitha Arnold

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? - Psalm 8:3-4 (NRSV)

“Coincidences,” affirms writer Frederick Buechner, “are God’s way of getting our attention.”

If that’s true, then we’d best pay attention to a pretty amazing coincidence this summer. In the midst of all the heart-breaking images this summer has brought—from the war in Ukraine and the school shooting in Uvalde, the refugee camps of Somalia and the detention centers at the U.S./Mexico border, the heatwave deaths in Europe and the fires of New Mexico—there’s also been another set of photographs in the news.

Thanks to the Webb telescope, we’ve had our first glimpse into very deep space with pictures of the universe’s oldest galaxies, formed billions of years ago. The telescope sent back an image of a “stellar nursery” where stars are being formed and another of a giant planet orbiting outside our solar system. Magnificent. Incredible. Wondrous. We don’t have enough adjectives to describe such mystery and beauty.

The telescope’s pictures don’t negate or gloss over this summer’s devastating images of human tragedy and creation’s destruction. But perhaps when we look at these new images of the heavens and stars, we’ll ask in wonder—as the ancient psalmist did—“what are we human beings that you are mindful of us, mortals that you care for us?” Perhaps our awe will renew our love for all creation, for all beings, and for the One who created us all.


Creator God, creating still, thank you for getting our attention. May our wonder at your heavens lead us to love this world as you so love. Amen.


Talitha Arnold is Senior Minister of the United Church of Santa Fe (UCC), Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is the author of Mark Parts 1 and 2 of the Listen Up! Bible Study series and Worship for Vital Congregations.