Dear Friends,

 We hope that you are safe and well.

 Today's Meditation recounts an encounter between Carrie Newcomer and Starbucks Barista Owen in spontaneous concert at O'Hare Airport. "There is a goodness down deep and it just keeps on singing" if our eyes and hearts are wide-open to the miracles right around us.

Dear Friends,

 We hope that you are safe and well.

 Today's Meditation is "You're Braver that You Believe" by Maren Tirabassi. She incorporates the theme "no enemies" and the philosophy of Winnie the Pooh. Don't miss the short YouTube video on the philosophy of Winnie the Pooh; the link is at the end of the written meditation.

Dear Friends,

We hope that you are safe and well.

 Carrie Newcomer offers her poem "Blessing" for today's Meditation.

 We invite you to join us as we commit ourselves to working tirelessly to end systemic and structural racism in our society, in the church, in healthcare, in the workplace--wherever it shows up so that everyone may come to have more abundant life. May this meditation nourish our contemplative-active hearts and sustain all of us in action.

Dear Friends,

 We hope that you are safe and well.

 Today's Meditation features Bill Moyers interviewing Martha Nussbaum who speaks of Human Fragility and Living a Rich Inner Life.

 We invite you to join us as we commit ourselves to working tirelessly to end systemic and structural racism in our society, in the church, in healthcare, in the workplace--wherever it shows up so that everyone may come to have more abundant life. May this meditation nourish our contemplative-active hearts and sustain all of us in action.

Dear Friends,

 We hope that you are safe and well .

 Today's meditation features Joyce Rupp inviting us to reflect on "Who are Our Life-shapers" In the spirit of ubuntu: "I am because you are. You are because I am" she notes "Our humanity is a collective endeavor; we create each other and sustain one another."