Dear Friends,

As we build the Beloved Community, we pray for you every day that you might continue to bring it about in your little corner of the world.

Today's Meditation features Joan Chittister saluting Holy Women down through the ages. Don't miss Van Gogh, Thea Bowman, Maria Skobtsova and Anne Sexton's poem, "Welcome Morning."

Dear Friends,

As we build the Beloved Community, we pray for you every day that you might continue to bring it about in your little corner of the world.

Today's Meditation honors the life and words of Oscar Romero. For most of his life,, he was a conservative, party-line leader. However, when he saw his people being disappeared and oppressed, he changed and became the voice of the poor, advocating for justice and peace.

Dear Friends,

 As we build the Beloved Community, we pray for you every day that you might continue to bring it about in your little corner of the world.

 Today's Meditation features Ilia Delio reflecting on "Does God Suffer." Her images give us so much to contemplate:

Dear Friends,

As we build the Beloved Community, we pray for you every day that you might continue to bring it about in your little corner of the world.

Today's Meditation features Fannie Lou Hamer, leader in the Civil Rights Movement. I was particularly inspired by her saying: “I feel sorry for anybody that could let hate wrap them up. Ain’t no such thing as I can hate anybody and hope to see God’s face.”

Dear Friends,

As we build the Beloved Community, we pray for you every day that you might continue to bring it about in your little corner of the world.

Today's Meditation features Joyce Rupp's "I Pray to be the Face of Compassion." It was sent to us by Lisa Gail Johnson.

We invite you to join us as we commit ourselves to working tirelessly to end systemic and structural racism in our society, in the church, in healthcare, in the workplace--wherever it shows up so that everyone may come to have more abundant life. May this meditation nourish our contemplative-active hearts and sustain all of us in action.